Note to self: spend

Note to self: spend more time with the old relatives.

Too many questions about the family become permanent mysteries when the generations change. My great-aunt, Sr. Louise Burroughs, died earlier this week. She and I had an e-mail correspondence going for over a year and she was always intersting to hear from. Aunt Lou was not a doddering old lady with photos of grandchildren; she dissected current events, described the beauty of snow on shubbery, and went to a Japanese restaurant after we’d discussed Japanese food.

She may have been the only person who could identify a sculpture that her father posed for in the late 19th century–it was described to me as a Peter Pan sculpture installed in a park in Chicago–and now that Aunt Lou isn’t here to give me confirmation, I’ll continue the research to try to find it but I’ll never be completely sure.

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Mediatinker, Kristen McQuillin, is an American-born resident of Japan since 1998. This blog chronicles her life, projects, thoughts, and small adventures.